
Xiaoyan Zhentong Gao

  • 产品描述
  • Parameters

    [English name] Xiaoyan Zhentong  Gao

    [Ingredients] Menthol, camphor, methyl salicylate, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, borneol, belladonna stream extract, musk deer vanilla.

    Exexcipients are: rubber, rosin, zinc oxide, petroleum jelly, light liquid paraffin, 2,6-terute butyl pocresol.

    [Character] This product is milky white or milky yellow sheet rubber cream; gas fragrance.

    [Function and indications] anti-inflammatory and analgesia.

    Used for neuralgia, rheumatism pain, shoulder pain, sprain, joint pain, muscle pain Pain, etc.

    [Usage and dosage] to stick to the affected area.

    1~2 times a day.

    [Adverse reactions] is not clear.

    [Contraindications] pregnant women.

    [Notes] 1. This product is an external drug use.

    2. Skin tetanus should not be used.

    3. Patients with skin allergy were stopped.

    4. This product contains diphenhydramine hydrochloride.

    Use with caution in lactating women.

    5. Patients with glaucoma and prostatic hypertrophy should be used under the guidance of a physician.

    6. Children and elderly patients should be used under the guidance of a physician.

    7. People allergic to this product are not allowed, and allergic people with caution.

    8. Use is prohibited when the character changes.

    9. Children must be used under the supervision of adults.

    10. Please place this product in a place inaccessible to children.

    11. For those using other drugs, consult a physician or pharmacist before using this product.

    12. Athletes should use it with caution.

    [Storage] Seal.

    [pack] Film bags, 4 cm 6 cm each, 10 pieces per bag, 12 pieces each.

    Film bag, 5 cm 7 cm each, 10 bags, 12 pieces per bag.

    Film bag, 10 cm 7 cm, 5 bags, 6 bags, 4 bags, 2 bags, 10 pieces per bag.

    Film bag, each piece 9 cm 6 cm, each bag 5 pieces, each bag 6 pieces, each bag 4 pieces, each box 2 bags, 10 pieces per bag.

    [Expiry date] of 24 months 

    [Implementation Standards] Ministerial Standard Chinese Medicine into prescription Preparation volume 8 WS3-B-1614-93 

    [Approval No.] Chinese drug approval word Z44023481 

    [Drug Marketing License Holder] Guangdong Hengjian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

  • 【药品名称】
    汉语拼音:Xiaoyan Zhentong Gao
    【成    份】薄荷脑、樟脑、水杨酸甲酯、盐酸苯海拉明、冰片、颠茄流浸膏、麝香草脑。辅料为:橡胶、松香、氧化锌、凡士林、轻质液状石蜡、2,6-二叔丁基对甲酚。
    【性    状】本品为乳白色或乳黄色的片状橡胶膏;气芳香。